Flea and Tick Spot-On Products
All of the flea and tick spot-on products we sell are genuine U.S. products that are both U.S. and E.P.A. approved
We NEVER sell counterfeit or products that are not intended for sale in the U.S.
If a topical flea product you are considering purchasing does not have the following information on it, it is NOT a genuine, U.S. product:
EPA Est. No. or EPA Reg. No.
EPA Est. No. or EPA Reg. No.
Illegal Flea Control products, including foreign-labeled, unregistered versions of Advantage and Frontline, have been illegally imported and sold throughout the U.S.
Though registered for use in other countries, some foreign-labeled versions have omitted important warnings, especially those pertaining to children, that are required in the United States.
Versions imported from such countries as England, Australia and Canada often give doses in metric units, which can cause Americans to accidentally over-dose or under-dose pets.